
Our group is interested in finding out how the contact between soft or biological materials on various surfaces can be monitored and controlled. We develop instruments, devices and methods to measure friction when objects are simply put in contact or even sliding over random surfaces. The output of our studies drives the development of two main applications. The first one is the design of soft robotics sensors that can monitor the nature of the object and its state of contact (sliding or firmly attached) when grasping objects. And the second one is surface haptics device which are able to change in real time the frictional conditions of a fingertip and creates compelling sensations of texture and shape via what we call surface haptic devices.

You learn more about some of our ongoing projects here

This group is part of the Human-Robot Interaction section of the Cognitive Robotics Department at the TU Delft and we collaborate closely with the Delft Haptics lab

Recent News

02/03/2020 - Corentin’s paper which explains how texture perception on surface haptics is bounded by vibrotactile sensitivity has been accepted in the Special Issue on Surface Haptics of IEEE Transactions on Haptics.

20/11/2019 - Michael gave his opinion on the latest haptic research in NCR, in Dutch!

22/07/2019 - Our paper on the role of mechanical impedance in the perception of ultrasonic clicks has been awarded best paper of 2019 from IEEE Transactions on Haptics

11/07/2019 - Laurence presented our latest work on modeling and measuring the tactile perception of friction at the Workshop on The Neuroscience of Touch: from finger skin deformation to perception at the 2019 Worldhaptics Conference.

16/05/2019 - Xi’s publication showing the concept behind ChromaTouch has received the best paper of the ICRA 2019 Workshop on Soft Haptics

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